I love alliterations and constantly play with words or sayings to make them alliterate. As a mental challenge and a bit of fun, I went through the alphabet and came up with a simple alliteration for each letter. My criteria were that it had to be short, make sense, and have a bit of a deeper moral or expression. These are thoughts that I hold true, and they are ideas I live by.
Acceptance Alleviates Anxiety
Balance Builds Bravery
Communication Creates Community
Determination Develops Dignity
Enjoyment Eliminates Evaluation
Faith Finds Foundation
Gratitude Gives Gladly
Honesty Harbors Honor
Invitation Ignites Inspiration
Justice Joins Jesus' Journey
Kindness Keeps the Kingdom Keen
Love Learns to Listen
Mercy Makes Malice Meaningless
"Never" Needs Nullifying
Offering Omits Obligation
Passion Perpetuates Purpose
Questions Quiet Quandary
Relationships Renew Redemption
Service Soothes Suffering
Time Teaches Tenacity
Unity Understands Uniqueness
Victory Validates Valor
Wisdom Wanes Worry
eXperts eXport eXperience
Yum Your Yuck
Zero Zealot Zeniths